Myerscough College
Food & Farming Innovation Technology Centre
Myerscough College is a land based higher & further education college dating back to the 19th century. Based in Bilsborrow, near Preston in Lancashire. Subjects on offer include Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Motor Sports, Animal Studies, Equine, Veterinary Nursing, Farriery, Construction Plant and Sportsturf.
Myerscough College’s Lodge Farm comprises of 900 acres of grass and forage crops which in turn is used to sustain 600 head of dairy & beef cattle & 1500 sheep.
R.E. Buildings were honoured to be involved in the first phase of the FFIT (Food & Farming Innovation Technology) centre project at the college Farm.

The Objectives
To provide a building for 180 cattle.
To develop and enhance the College's existing farm enterprise and promote animal welfare.
Create a facility that can be utilised by 300 students studying agriculture.
The first phase of the 5 million FFIT project is a Livestock Innovation Centre, essentially a livestock building to house up to 180 cattle. The building will contain all modern technology required for livestock production including the Arntjen climate controlled curtain and light ridge ventilation system. In addition, a full cattle handling system to enhance the management and well-being of the cattle.
The Results
Alongside Pinnington, R.E. Buildings brought their extensive expertise to supply and erect the steel framed building which is now used to house the livestock.
The design incorporated a state of the art handling system, Arntjen automatic climate controlled curtain & ventilating light ridge, all supplied by R.E Buildings.
This ambitious project is now complete & provides a modern livestock production facility with embedded technology to develop and promote farming practices for the future.
What the client says...
The Building has completely transformed the environment in which we can house our Beef cattle and young stock. The abundance of light which flows through the building and the natural ventilation provided by the Arntjen automatic climate controlled curtain & ventilating light ridge provides an environment in which the cattle can really thrive.
The advancements with the building have really enriched the experience that we can offer to students all the way from schools to PHD. We are now equipped to provide experience from basic cattle handling in a safe environment all the way up to industry leading research.
The new building provided by R.E Buildings will enable Myerscough College to make a big step forward in enhancing Knowledge transfer within the agricultural industry.